Supporting employees with an injury, illness or disability at work

Work is good for our health.

That’s the general consensus in the international medical community.

Beyond financial reward, work has a significant impact on our physical and mental health.

Supporting those with illness or disability

Yet only 52% of people with disability of working age are participating in the Australian workforce and only 11% of people with a profound disability are in full time employment.

If you have an employee with an illness, injury or disability, supporting them to stay at work or return to work as soon as possible could be one of the best things you can do to help them.

While each person’s illness, injury or disability is unique, in many cases, work is considered a therapeutic intervention, meaning it is part of the treatment.

A recent UK study showed evidence that work can benefit an individual in many ways including:

  • Ensuring some physical activity is undertaken on work days
  • Providing a sense of community and social inclusion
  • Allowing workers to feel they are making a contribution to their family and society
  • Giving structure to days and weeks
  • Providing financial security
  • Decreasing the likelihood that individuals will engage in risky behaviours.

Although people living with an injury, illness or disability experience barriers to work and may require additional support to sustain employment, the benefits of work far outweigh the challenges.

For people who are unemployed or not working due to an injury or illness, getting back to work could be more beneficial than you think.

Because of the physical and mental health benefits of work, people who have suffered an injury or illness generally recover quicker (and have less long term health issues) when they return to work as soon as possible.

While there may be some limitations after an injury or illness, it’s not necessary to wait until your employee is 100% recovered before they return to work. The same is true for people with disability joining the workforce - they don’t need to be able to perform all of the duties all of the time.

Everyone is capable of work.

Hours, duties and workplaces can be flexible and modified to suit each individual.

Practical assistance for employers is available through the Australian Government’s Work Assist program and includes assessments, training, modifications, equipment and job redesign as well as access to allied health services.

These supports are provided at no cost to your business by APM’s WorkCare team together with your APM employment consultant.