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Despite his barriers, the 64 year-old former labourer wanted to find work and move forward.

“After doing a job for 40 years, that’s all you know. And because I’m dyslexic, it was a big thing for me to do a course and learn something new,” Jeff said.

Jeff’s APM employment consultant Troy coached him through an aged care course and his job search, providing motivational and practical support.

Soon after completing the course, Jeff was offered a job with a local aged care and disability support provider.

“After everything that happened, I didn’t think I’d be here. APM made all this possible for me. I’ve put the yards in, but I’ve had good support too,” he said.

Jeff’s life and mental health have greatly improved.

“This has been a new beginning for me. The job gives me a purpose and a reason to get out of bed”.

APM and Employable Me put job seekers like Jeff in the driver’s seat.