Published on 03 August 2022

Dress for success

First Impressions Count.

First impressions count, so it’s important you make a great first impression.

One way to make a great first impression is to dress neatly and professionally for your job interview, regardless of the work environment.

Even if you work from home or your interview is being conducted online on a platform like Zoom, it's still important to present well. Your interviewer will want to see your friendly face, so it's safest to not dial in while in your tracksuit or pyjamas!

The way you dress can be different depending on the type of job you are applying for. For example, interviews for finance, healthcare, marketing or sales would require more formal business attire. Roles in customer service, retail or hospitality you can choose to wear tailored or smart casual attire.

If you’re not sure what to wear, it’s fine to check with the person scheduling the interview. It’s still important to dress neatly and professionally.

Tips for putting together an outfit:
  • Dressing in the masculine style for a professional business interview, wear a suit with a long sleeve business shirt. If wearing a tie, choose one with neutral colours that match your suit. Wear dark socks with business or oxford-style shoes.
  • For dressing in the feminine style for a professional business interview, wear a suit (skirt or pants) with coordinated blouse. Wear shoes which are comfortable, clean and you can move easily in – a low heel or a flat shoe are good options.
  • Your skirt or pants should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably.
  • If you want to go that extra ‘mile - when wearing pants, make sure you wear a belt that matches the colour of your shoes.
  • Feeling unsure? Send a photo of your outfit to someone you trust and ask for advice.
Before your interview:
  • Get your clothes ready the night before, so you don’t have to spend time getting them ready on the day of the interview.
  • Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed, fit well, and are not too revealing.
  • Your shoes should be polished or clean.
  • Your hair should be brushed and neatly styled.
  • Have clean, neatly trimmed or manicured nails.
  • For men, make sure you shave or comb and trim your facial hair.
  • If you are not sure what colours to wear, it’s best to wear solid, neutral colours.
On the day of your interview:
  • Wear your usual amount of jewellery; nothing too heavy or large that might interfere with any tasks or handling.
  • Dress according to the season, you should be a comfortable temperature.
  • Do not wear too much perfume or aftershave. It can be safer to wear none.
  • If you wear makeup, keep it light and natural.
  • Earrings are fine; however, some industries may not allow certain piercings for hygiene or other reasons. Depending on the role you are applying for, think about removing any obvious or facial piercings.
  • If you have them, cover any obvious tattoos. Some employers may require them to be covered. You can ask about their uniform or personal presentation policy if they have one.
  • Do not chew gum during your interview.
  • Make sure your mobile phone is either turned off or switched to silent.
Interviewing from home?
  • Set of your device in a quiet, well-lit space with a comfortable chair. Make sure you are logged in early.