Published on 17 December 2021

Over half of Australia's employers are struggling

Struggling to find staff? You're not alone.

According to the latest Recruitment Insights Report, 52% of employers reported difficulty finding employees to fill their vacancies.

The difficulty rate, recorded by the National Skills Commission, increased by 2% from June to July 2021, according to the most recent data.

The rate of recruitment difficulty increased by 6% for businesses with 20 or more employees (from 44% to 50%).

For businesses with five to 19 employees, the rate of difficulty increased to 54% from previous month’s 53%.

Toughest industries

Trade workers, technicians, drivers, labourers and other ‘blue collar’ occupations were the most difficult to recruit for with 62% of employers struggling to find suitable workers.

Meanwhile, ‘white collar’ jobs including admin, sales, community service personnel, managers and professionals, were difficult to fill for 45% of employers.

Lack of candidates

The latest figures for July 2021 show how employers across Australia wanted to hire workers but were unable to fill positions with suitable candidates.

The most common issue making the recruitment process difficult for employers was simply a lack of applicants, with 41% of employers saying it was preventing them from adding people to their team.

The second biggest problem was a lack of suitable applicants – with 37% of employers highlighting the issue.

How Employable Me can help

Australian employers looking to hire right now have a new tool to overcome the challenges of finding the people they need.

Employable Me is a new free recruitment platform which connects employers with a large network of job seekers who are ready-to-work.

The platform, powered by APM Employment Services, allows job seekers to be matched to an employer’s vacancy – so employers can find the best candidate quickly, easily and without any cost.

With a network of thousands of job-ready people looking for work, employers can overcome the biggest problem of lack of applicants, and the role-matching service ensures candidates are suitable for the role before they apply for the job.

Employable Me’s consultants are available to support employers through every step of the hiring process.

Find your next team member with Employable Me

APM’s Employable Me connects employers to potential candidates from thousands of unique and dedicated job seekers ready for work.

But it’s much more than a recruitment platform.

Employable Me:
  • Provides you with job-ready candidates who can start immediately
  • Matches your role with trained job seekers
  • It’s free – saving you time and money with no recruitment costs
  • Gives you access to the national APM Employment Services network with teams in 500
  • locations ready to support you and your employee when they start work.