The benefits of employing people with disability

Disability is part of human diversity - and diversity is good for business.

Creating an inclusive, diverse workplace benefits everyone - your employees, your business and the community as a whole.

Benefits of employing people with disability

Employees with disability will support you in achieving your business objectives while enhancing the diversity of your workforce. A diverse workforce has many benefits including:

  • Enhanced talent attraction and retention
  • More engaged, motivated and productive employees
  • More creativity, innovation and new/valuable perspectives
  • Better employee morale and teamwork
  • Enhanced procurement and tendering opportunities
  • Enhanced understanding of what your customers or clients with disability may need
  • Enhanced brand reputation and loyalty
  • Stronger corporate social responsibility

According to the National Disability Strategy (2011):

Work is essential to an individual’s economic security and is important to achieving social inclusion.  Employment contributes to physical and mental health, personal wellbeing and a sense of identity.  Income from employment increases financial independence and raises living standards.

For a person with disability, the benefits of employment are significant.

Work is good for our health, yet only 52% of people with disability of working age are participating in the Australian workforce. Just 11% of people with a profound disability are in full time employment.

For people with disability, employment provides:

  • Financial independence and security
  • A sense of identity
  • Social inclusion and connectedness
  • Positive personal wellbeing
  • Physical and mental health benefits

Ensuring your organisation welcomes people with disability is not only the right thing to do, it makes good business sense.

Australian and international research shows that employees with disability:

  • Are reliable, dedicated and loyal
  • Build relationships with customers across a wide cross-section of the community
  • Have lower levels of absenteeism than other employees
  • Have fewer compensation incidents and accidents at work compared to other employees